Articles on: Pricing and Payments

Sending payment requests to customers

Stop chasing your money; send payment links to let your customers pay you online.

Note: To create payment links, you have to connect with Stripe or Square

View an order, click the Payment button and:

Choose Request payment as a payment method.
Choose Charge or Authorize
Fill in the amount you want to request.
Optionally file in a description.
Click Create payment link.

Now, you can copy the link to your clipboard to use it in any kind of message, or preview the payment request.
You can also click "send SMS" to text it to the phone number on file.

We also create a QR code if your customer is in person they can scan with their camera.

When your customer clicks the link, they'll be able to pay you using the payment methods you've enabled.

Create a payment request link

The customer view of the payment request link

Canceling a payment request

To cancel a pending payment request, hover over the payment request and click "Cancel request". If your customer visits the payment URL, they'll be notified the request has been canceled.

Cancel a payment request link

The customer view of the payment request link that was canceled

Updated on: 19/07/2023

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