Articles on: Managing Orders

The Fleetwire Order Workflow

Each order within Fleetwire is a separate customer experience. Therefore each order should be kept up to date with the stage in which it is in. Fleetwire has a built-in order workflow to help you keep track of who has what and when!

The Order Workflow is:

New Order

Concept Order

Reserved Order

Picked up Order (vehicle with a customer)

Returned Order (vehicle back in stock)

Archived Order

New Order

An order that is "new" will appear only within the New Rental Order screens on the user/team seat that created that order. It will not have an order number attached to it.
This order is not saved when it is in the New Order state and can be overwritten.

This is where you will build a new order for a customer. You will add the customer profile, rental dates, and order details on this screen.

Where to Make a New Order

You can reach this screen from the Order section on the upper left-hand corner from anywhere in your Fleetwire account then + order button on the top right:

Next Step After New Order

To save a "New" Order you will be able to:

Save as a concept && Reserve
This becomes available as soon as a rental period, customer, and listing has been entered for the order

Pick Up Items
This becomes available as soon as a rental period has been added and a listing has been added

Reserved Order

Reserved orders are orders in which the listing is reserved. This means that the listing and/or stock items listed on this order cannot be reserved in other orders Once listings are in the reserved order, their availability quantity will change for those dates.

By default, an order comes in as pending from the webshop.

Reserved orders should only be future orders. If the order start date has passed, the date will appear orange to indicate it is late.

Next Step After a Reserved Order
From the reserved order, you will be able to mark the order as pre-pick up or picked up. You will do this once the vehicle is with the customer.

Picked up is the same as 'With Customer'

Once the date and time for pickup/delivery have come, you will want to mark the listing in the order as picked up.

Picked up in Fleetwire means that the listing is with your customers.
NOTE: You will want to use this order status even if you deliver your vehicle, This status means that the listing in the order is with the customer

Next Step After a Picked-Up Order
After the order has been marked as picked up, you will want to mark the order as returned once the vehicle is back in stock with you.

Once the vehicle has been returned to you, you will want to mark the listing in the order as returned.

Returned in Fleetwire means that the vehicle is back with you and is no longer with the customer.

Note: If you have padding time (after) enabled on that listing, you will still need to wait out that amount of time before the listing is available again.

If the customer is returning the vehicle earlier than the date in the order, you will want to change the order's end date to reflect the date your customer has returned the vehicle.

Next Step After a Returned Order
After the order has been marked as returned, you will want to mark the order as archived. This will clear up your order overview list.
You should only mark the order as Archived once everything in the order has been checked and the order is completed, from payments to deposit refunds to emails.

Archived orders are the last status of an order within Fleetwire.
Archiving an order cleans up your order overview list so that only current active and future orders show up.

Once the vehicles in the order have been reviewed, cleaned, organized, checked, or any other step your company has at the end of a rental. And once the order has been invoiced, and the customer communication for that order is completed, then you will want to mark the order as Archived.

This is not a required step of the order workflow. Some companies like to archive their completed orders to maintain a clean and organized workflow. Other companies prefer to keep orders in their returned state to easily view done orders in the same list as active orders.

Archived orders will not show on the main list, You will need to sort by archived order on the filter sidebar to see archived orders.

Reverting Order Statuses

If you find that the order is further beyond what you needed the status to be at the time. Or if you need to change the dates or the listing once the order has already been picked up, you can revert the order statuses in the "More" menu within the order.

Canceled Order

In the same menu as above, you can cancel an order. Once an order is canceled, it is canceled for good. It is not possible, at this time, to restore an order.

Canceled orders will also not nullify invoices. You will want to create another invoice in that order for a negative amount to nullify invoices made in the order.

Updated on: 22/02/2023

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