Articles on: Online Store

Using the Fleetwire hosted store


Your Fleetwire account comes with a basic hosted online store with free SSL we call the catalog page. You can modify the online store URL to match your website domain name so your customer has a seamless experience with your brand and name. They can check out and not even know they left your website. Your subscription comes with a free SSL certificate (even for the custom domain name you set). Your custom Fleetwire-hosted store URL can be found here.

If you have a customized domain set, it will redirect to it.
Note: Custom domain is a premium reature.

Catalog Page Settings

You can customize some listing settings on your catalog page. Below are a few options. We can add more upon request.

Show prices on the listing cards on your public catalog page

This will show or hide the pricing to your customers on your catalog page.

Listing card with the price shown

What's Next

If you have your own website check out this article.
If you use WordPress check out our WordPress plugin article.

Updated on: 03/02/2023

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