What is Automatic E-sign?
E-siging Automatic E-signing is an excellent Fleetwire feature. You can automatically send a document to your recipient when a reservation is created, either manually or through your online store. Even better, after a reservation, Fleetwire can automatically fill in important reservation data such as primary/secondary drivers' full name, email, phone, and date of birth, along with the listing vehicle, year, make, model, VIN, and reservation date and times. You can add custom placeholdersSome readerse-Sign Fields
Fleetwire eSign is a great way to streamline the rental process and automate mundane rental agreement tasks. Fields Template Fields are pieces of data you want to be placed onto a document. There are many options, including pre-set and custom. The pre-set fields are pretty great as they allow you to set the fields of the data that we already know, such as the vehicle year/make/model & VIN, customer information such as full name, DOB, & driver's license info, and booking info such asSome readers