Email Variables
What email variables are available to populate my templates? Use variables to automatically populate email templates with order details. You can use variables to automatically populate email templates with order properties like products, prices, and rental period. Order variables bookingid renterfirstname renterlastname renterfullname reservationstartdate (ex. May 19, 2022) reservationenddate reservationstarttime (ex. 10:00 AM) reservationSome readersCreate your own email templates in Fleetwire
To set up email templates, head over to Settings Emails. Template types You'll notice there are two types of email templates: The online reservation confirmation is sent to your customers automatically after they placed an order from your website. Manual emails don’t send automatically, but are useful for a wide variety of purposes. For example, you can create an email template that shows the current contents of an order, or a templateFew readers